Sadistiиki estetiиara usisava muљterije sa usisivaиem i drkanjem sa bougie umetnutim u uretru.
28,363 97%
Садистиики естетииара усисава муљтерије са усисиваием и дркањем са боугие уметнутим у уретру.
The sadistic esthetician ties the customer to the bed and brings out a vacuum cleaner. The esthetician sucks up the customer's penis with the vacuum cleaner and laughs, "I'll make your penis bigger, hehehe." Theesthetician then sucks up the customer's face and mouth with the vacuum cleaner, saying, "I'll also get rid of the fat from your face, ahahaha," and laughs loudly. The estheticianbrings out bougies of different thicknesses and says, "I'll expand your urethra, hehehe." The esthetician happily inserts the thinnest bougie into the urethra, and gradually inserts thicker bougies. Theesthetician gives the customer a handjob with the bougie still inserted in the urethra. "Your penis will get bigger and your urethra will expand, so it's two birds with one stone, hehehe."
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